Fuzzy with nostalgia. Rooted with power. Saint Loretto’s brand of indie rock wrings out every last drop of emotion until you feel it all.

A rotating cast of musicians build this wall of sound, but Saint Loretto is Evan Crowley. His songs sound like you’re stumbling on gravel inside a liminal space – you may not know where you are, but you’ll celebrate it all the same. 

The first two albums, ‘PASSAGES/S’ and ‘DEPTH/S’, were DIY and bootstrapped. The latest album, ‘Blooming,’ is a rich collaborative project that surges with life. Joining this musical melting pot was Blue October’s Matt Noveskey, who produced three tracks on the album. You can also hear Steve Schiltz, of the bands Longwave and Hurricane Bells, play dreamy guitar lines that sound like the last day of summer. 

Whether you’re sweating with the crowds at a live show or listening through your headphones, Saint Loretto rumbles with energy and soars with intensity. With every riotous guitar lick and tinkling synth, you’re reminded to laugh at life’s chaos and meet yourself where you are.